Dipole Antenna Length Calculator, Radiation Pattern Plots


Frequency \(\nu \)           Dipole Antenna
Dipole Length \(\lambda \)                              
Dipole Radius \(\lambda \)                              
Erase Graph                              
Graph Legend                                        


Total length of \(____ \) \( \lambda \) dipole antenna is \(L \) ____
Length of each dipole element is \(\frac{L}{2} \) ____
Maximum Directivity is \(D \) ____ dB
Radiation resistance based on current maximum \(R_{rad}\) ____ ohm
Reactance based on current maximum \(X_m\) ____ ohm
Input resistance \(R_{in}\) ____ ohm
Input reactance \(X_{in}\) ____ ohm

Normalized radiation pattern of \(E_ \theta\) in rectangular plot elevation cut. Normalized radiation pattern of \(E_ \theta\) in polar plot elevation cut.
Normalized radiation pattern of \(E_ \theta\) in rectangular plot elevation cut Normalized radiation pattern of \(E_ \theta\) in polar plot elevation Ccut



\(U(\theta) (pattern \, normalized) \simeq \left [ \frac{cos (\frac{kL}{2}cos \theta)-cos(\frac{kL}{2})}{sin\theta} \right ]^2\)

\(\lambda \) = Wavelength
\(\nu \) = Frequency
\(L\) = Total Length of Dipole Antenna
\(U(\theta) (pattern \, normalized) \) =The normalized (to 0 dB) elevation power pattern over \(\theta \)
The angular wavenumber \(k=\frac{2\pi }{\lambda } \) expresses the number of radians in a unit of distance

Other Related Calculator:
- Antenna near-field, far-field region

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