dBW, dBm, watt, milliwatt conversions


Select Parameter


dBW dBm watt milliwatt
____ ____ ____ ____

RF Power Conversion Formula Table:

\(P_{(W)}\) to \( P_{(dBW)}\)
\( P_{(dBW) }= 10.log_{10}\left ( \frac{P_{(W)} }{1W } \right ) \)
\( P_{(dBW)}\) to \(P_{(W)}\)
\( P_{(W) } = 1W \cdot 10 ^{\left ( \frac{P_{(dBW) }}{10} \right )}\)
\(P_{(mW)}\) to \( P_{(dBm)}\)
\( P_{(dBm) }= 10.log_{10}\left ( \frac{P_{(mW)} }{1mW } \right ) \)
\( P_{(dBm)}\) to \(P_{(mW)}\)
\(P_{(mW) } = 1mW \cdot 10^{\left ( \frac{P_{(dBm) }}{10} \right )} \)
\(P_{(W)}\) to \( P_{(dBm)}\)
\( P_{(dBm) }= P_{(dBW)} +30 \)
\( P_{(dBm) }= 10.log_{10}\left ( \frac{P_{(W)} }{1W } \right ) +30 \)
\( P_{(dBm)}\) to \(P_{(W)}\)
\( P_{(W) } = P_{(mW)}.1000\)
\(P_{(W) } = 1mW \cdot 10^{\left ( \frac{P_{(dBm) }}{10} \right )} .1000\)
\(P_{(mW)}\) to \( P_{(dBW)}\)
\( P_{(dBW) }= P_{(dBm)}-30 \)
\( P_{(dBW) }= 10.log_{10}\left ( \frac{P_{(mW)} }{1mW } \right ) -30 \)
\( P_{(dBW)}\) to \(P_{(mW)}\)
\(P_{(mW) } = P_{(W)}.1000\)
\( P_{(W) } = 1W \cdot 10^{\left ( \frac{P_{(dBW) }}{10} \right )} .1000\)
\(P_{(W)}\) = Power in watt
\(P_{(mW)}\)= Power in milliwatt
\(P_{(dBW)}\) = Power in decibel-watt
\(P_{(dBm)}\) = Power in decibel-milliwatt

Other Related Calculator:
- Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Return Loss, Power Reflected, Power Transmitted conversions

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