Reflection Coefficient, VSWR, Return Loss, Mismatch Loss, Power Reflected, Power Transmitted Calculations


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Return Loss dB VSWR Reflection Coefficient Γ Mismatch Loss dB Reflected Power % Transmitted Power %
_ _ ____ _ _ _

Reflection Coefficient Conversions:

\(\Gamma\) to VSWR
\( VSWR = \frac{1+ \left |\Gamma \right |}{1+ \left |\Gamma \right |}\)
VSWR to \(\Gamma\)
\( \Gamma = \frac{VSWR-1}{VSWR+1}\)
\(\Gamma\) to RL
\( RL=-20log\left |\Gamma \right |\)
RL to \(\Gamma\)
\( \Gamma= 10^{\frac{-RL}{20}}\)
\(\Gamma\) to ML
\( ML= -10 log(1-\Gamma^{2})\)
ML to \(\Gamma\)
\( \Gamma=(1-10^{\frac{-ML}{10}})^{0.5}\)
\(\Gamma\) to RP
\( RP =100* \Gamma^{2}\)
RP to \(\Gamma\)
\(\Gamma = \left (\frac{RP}{100} \right )^{0.5}\)
\(\Gamma\) to TP
\( TP =100* (1-\Gamma^{2})\)
TP to \(\Gamma\)
\(\Gamma = \left (1-\frac{TP}{100} \right )^{0.5}\)
RL = Return Loss in dB
VSWR = Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
Γ = Reflection Coefficient
ML = Mismatch Loss in dB
RP = Reflected Power in %
TP = Through Power in %

Other Related Calculator:
- dBW, dBm, watt, milliwatt conversions

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